Your home's yard and garden need maintenance, just like the inside of your home.

Our gardeners will help you in the garden with a big heart, professional pride and skill. We therefore recommend that you make an appointment for regular care so that you do not have to worry about your own time. We can come three times during the season or weekly, just as you wish.

We clean the planting areas, replace new plants if necessary and do annual maintenance not only for private home's, but also for companies and housing associations. If desired, we can design beautiful plants in pots for terraces and entrances, for example for parties or for a sale of an apartment.
Our professionals also know how to prepare a plant inventory of your entire yard.


Our gardener will give, on spot, practical advice for renovating your yard and plant care, as well as, if desired, new planting ideas.

After the visit, we can also prepare a separate offer for the services you want.

Price €210/hour



We restore and take care of both new and old yards, we cut hedges, bushes and smaller trees. We protect your yard for the winter and shade evergreen plants from the drying spring sun.

If you wish, we will deliver and plant the plants you want, sow lawns, install synthetic lawns and root out weed from the yard.

Price €58/h/person
You can get a household deduction for the garden maintenance.


Whether the area is small or large, you can get a detailed plant and planting plan prepared on a computer from us, based on which you can carry out the planting work yourself. Our planning always starts with the consultation visit mentioned above, during which we define the solutions and areas you want to update.

The price of plant design starts at 400€.



One of the current trends in the garden industry is spectacular potted plants on terraces, roofs, balconies and at entrances. With the help of eye catching pots, we bring nature in to the middle of a built-up environment.

We import a wide selection of outdoor pots that are trendy and also includes large-sized pots.

We plan and implement the potted garden for you or just plant new plants for your current pots.

If desired, we will exchange plants according to the season as a contractual service.
We always price the plants according to usage.


Do you want to gain confidence in your own skills?

In the coaching service, we do gardening work together with you, and you learn the tricks and tips of a professional gardener at the same time.

Price €120/hour.


In order to know how to take care of your yard yourself, you can order maintenance instructions for your garden from us either in pdf format or as an A4-sized book. The instructions contain precise general instructions for each season and for all plants.

Price 250-400 €

The prices include VAT 24%.



Gardener, plant biologist
044 734 9922